
0-99 Advanced Placement Credit; House Courses; First-Year Seminars; First-Year Writing; Registrar/Department special purpose
100-199 Introductory-level undergraduate courses; basic skills/activity courses; foundation courses; Focus program courses
200-399 Undergraduate courses above introductory level
400-499 Advanced undergraduate, senior seminars, capstone courses, honors thesis courses
500-699 Graduate courses open to advanced undergraduates
700-999 Graduate only courses (not open to undergraduates)

To see courses offered during a specific semester, please visit DukeHub and select “Class Search”.

Number Title Codes Cross-Lists
PHIL 89S First-Year Seminar
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy W, CZ
PHIL 103S Introduction to Philosophy W, CZ
PHIL 104S Introduction to Philosophy EI, W, CZ
PHIL 109 Philosophy Through Computer Science
PHIL 110 Information, Society & Culture: Bass Connections Gateway STS, CZ COMPSCI 110
ISS 110
PHIL 120 The Challenges of Living an Ethical Life EI, CZ ETHICS 101
PHIL 123FS Freedom and Responsibility EI, W, SS POLSCI 175FS
PHIL 124FS Freedom and Moral Obligation EI, W, CZ POLSCI 195FS
PHIL 150 Logic CZ
PHIL 155 Reason and Argument W
PHIL 163 Ethics for Robertson Scholars EI, CZ
PHIL 170FS You, Me, and the Machine: Philosophy and the Idea of AI
PHIL 171S You, Me, and the Machine: Philosophy and the Idea of AI
PHIL 190FS Focus Program Seminar: Topics in Philosophy
PHIL 194FS Beyond Disagreement and Cozy Consensus CCI, EI, CZ ETHICS 194FS
PHIL 201 History of Modern Philosophy CCI, CZ
PHIL 202 Aesthetics: The Philosophy of Art ALP, CZ VMS 299
PHIL 203 History of Ancient Philosophy CCI, CZ CLST 271
PHIL 204S The Modern Canon: Listening to Neglected Voices R, W, CZ
PHIL 205 World Philosophy CCI, EI, CZ, SS
PHIL 206 Philosophy of Law EI, CZ
PHIL 207 Political and Social Philosophy EI, CZ
PHIL 209 Philosophy of Language CZ LINGUIST 209
PHIL 210 Knowledge and Certainty R, CZ
PHIL 211 Appearance and Reality R, CZ
PHIL 212 Philosophy of Mind R, CZ LINGUIST 208
VMS 302
PHIL 213 Exploring Science and Religion STS, CZ ETHICS 213
PHIL 213S Paradoxes of Rational Choice DECSCI 213S
PHIL 214 The Good Life: Religion, Philosophy, and Life's Ultimate Concerns CCI, R, CZ CLST 210
PHIL 215 Applied and Environmental Ethics EI, STS, CZ ETHICS 265
PHIL 216 Problems in Ethical Theory EI, CZ
PHIL 217 Introduction to Ethical Theory EI, CZ
PHIL 218 Medical Ethics EI, STS, CZ
PHIL 219D The Challenges of Living an Ethical Life EI, CZ ETHICS 101D
PHIL 220 Philosophical Perspectives on Disability EI, SS
PHIL 221S Philosophy and Literature CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
PHIL 222 Gender and Philosophy EI, CZ GSF 222
PHIL 222S Gender and Philosophy GSF 222S
PHIL 223 Life's Purpose STS, CZ, NS BIOLOGY 216
PHIL 226 Philosophy of Sport EI, CZ
PHIL 230 Virtue Theory EI, CZ
PHIL 232A The Cognitive Science of Religion and Morality EI, R, W, CZ ICS 224A
PHIL 236A The Birth of Reason in Ancient Greece CCI, EI, CZ CLST 272A
PHIL 237A Political Philosophy of Globalization CCI, EI, CZ, SS ECON 303A
PHIL 242 Problems in Philosophy of Science STS, CZ
PHIL 242S Problems in Philosophy of Science STS, CZ
PHIL 246 Prisoner's Dilemma and Distributive Justice EI, SS ECON 361
PHIL 250 Symbolic Logic CZ LINGUIST 250
PHIL 252 Philosophy and Neuroscience SS NEUROSCI 252
PSY 253
PHIL 262 Human Rights in Theory and Practice CCI, EI, CZ, SS ICS 272
PHIL 263 Chinese Philosophy CCI, EI, CZ AMES 275
PHIL 270 Business Ethics: The Debate Over Corporate Social Responsibility EI, SS ETHICS 270
ICS 271
PHIL 280S Science and Society STS, CZ ETHICS 281S
PHIL 281 Global Bioethics EI, CZ GLHLTH 241
ICS 282
PHIL 282 Science, Ethics, & Democracy EI, STS, SS BIOETHIC 282
PHIL 283S Philosophy of Death & Dying EI, W, CZ
PHIL 285S Existentialism CCI, EI, ALP ENGLISH 285S
LIT 285S
PHIL 286 Marx, Nietzsche, Freud CCI, CZ, SS GERMAN 380
LIT 377
PHIL 290 Special Topics in Philosophy
PHIL 290S Seminars in Philosophy
PHIL 291 Independent Study
PHIL 293 Research Independent Study R
PHIL 301S The Enlightenment R, STS, W, CZ
PHIL 302 How to Live and How to Die: Death, Dying, and the Afterlife from Confucius to Cryonics CCI, EI, CZ CLST 211
PHIL 312S The Economics and Philosophy of Adam Smith STS, SS ECON 312S
PHIL 314 Philosophy of Biology R, STS, CZ, NS BIOLOGY 255
PHIL 317 Aristotle EI, CZ CLST 371
PHIL 331 Kant W, CZ LIT 331
PHIL 331T Voices in Philosophy: German GERMAN 331T
PHIL 335 Moral Psychology EI, CZ, SS
PHIL 345 The Philosophy and Methodology of Economics EI, W, SS ECON 319
PHIL 350 Logic and Its Applications COMPSCI 288
MATH 388
PHIL 353 Neuroethics EI, STS, NS, SS ETHICS 269
PSY 278
PHIL 355S Visual Perception and the Brain W, NS NEUROSCI 355S
PSY 355S
PHIL 380S The Scientific Revolution STS, W, CZ HISTORY 388S
PHIL 384AS Classical and Contemporary Political Theory EI, SS POLSCI 377AS
PHIL 385AS Science, Ethics, and Society EI, CZ PUBPOL 258AS
PHIL 390A Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Advanced Special Topics in Philosophy
PHIL 411 Philosophy of Time & Space CZ
PHIL 447 Philosophical and Conceptual Problems of Entrepreneurship SS ECON 346
I&E 447
PHIL 460S Weil, Beauvoir, Murdoch: Three Women Philosophers in Mid-Twentieth Century Europe CCI, EI, ALP ENGLISH 460S
GSF 460S
LIT 460S
PHIL 463S Eastern & Western Conceptions of Human Nature, Ethics, & Politics CCI, EI, CZ, SS
PHIL 465S Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Capstone R, SS ECON 389S
PHIL 490S Seminars in Philosophy
PHIL 495S Distinction Seminar Program
PHIL 502S Comparative Ethics CCI, EI, CZ
PHIL 503S Contemporary Ethical Theories EI, CZ, SS POLSCI 582S
PHIL 508S Political Values EI, CZ
PHIL 510S Adversarial Ethics EI, SS ETHICS 510S
PHIL 511S Plato CZ CLST 572S
PHIL 512S Aristotle CZ CLST 573S
PHIL 516S Life's Purpose EI, STS, CZ BIOLOGY 516S
PHIL 536S Hegel's Political Philosophy EI, R, SS GERMAN 575S
PHIL 537S Nietzsche's Political Philosophy EI, CZ, SS GERMAN 576S
PHIL 539S Race Theory: Biological Classification and Moral Implications EI, CZ
PHIL 541S Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Science STS, CZ GSF 541S
LIT 521S
PHIL 550SL Digital Publishing: Concepts and Practice R, STS, CZ ISS 550SL
PHIL 551S Epistemology R, CZ
PHIL 552S Metaphysics R, CZ
PHIL 555S Topics in Philosophy of Mind R, STS, W, CZ NEUROSCI 555S
PHIL 566S Topics in Early Modern Political Thought from Machiavelli to Mills CCI, R, SS POLSCI 579S
PHIL 571S Ancient Political Philosophy CCI, EI, SS CLST 571S
PHIL 572 Frankfurt School Critical Theory EI, CZ GERMAN 570
LIT 575
PHIL 590 Special Topics in Philosophy Lecture
PHIL 590S Special Fields of Philosophy Seminar (Topics)
PHIL 616S Literature and Philosophy EI, ALP ENGLISH 616S
LIT 616S
PHIL 625S British Empiricism CZ
PHIL 629S Topics in the History of Philosophy CZ
PHIL 633S Methodology of the Empirical Sciences STS, CZ
PHIL 634S Problems in the Philosophy of Biology STS, NS BIOLOGY 555S
PHIL 640S Philosophical Psychology CZ
PHIL 650S Topics in Formal Philosophy
PHIL 678S Pragmatism CZ
PHIL 681S Wittgensteinian Perspectives on Literary Theory ALP ENGLISH 582S
LIT 681S
PHIL 682S Simone de Beauvoir EI, ALP, CZ FRENCH 682S
GSF 682S
LIT 682S
PHIL 692S Bioethics EI
PHIL 693S Causation
PHIL 701S Seminar in Special Fields of Philosophy
PHIL 702S ProSeminar in Metaphysics and Epistemology
PHIL 703S Proseminar in Ethics
PHIL 754S Principles in Cognitive Neuroscience II NEUROBIO 760S
PSY 760S
PHIL 785S Philosophy of Biology
PHIL 790 Philosophy Special Topics
PHIL 790S Seminar in Special Fields of Philosophy
PHIL 795S Seminar in Teaching Philosophy
PHIL 796S Work in Progress Seminar
PHIL 797S Dissertation Seminar
PHIL 798S Philosophical Interlocution
PHIL 863S Eastern & Western Conceptions of Human Nature, Ethics, & Politics
PHIL 870S Philosophy of Emotions
PHIL 947S Philosophy and Literature LIT 882S
PHIL 950S Neurophilosophy PSY 950S
PHIL 951S Free Will and Moral Responsibility in light of Philosophy & Neuroscience