Center for Comparative PhilosophyThe Center for Comparative Philosophy (CCP) was inaugurated in 2014 and is dedicated to teaching and research into the philosophies that animate different traditions. |
Du-KauseThe Duke Causation Group, Du-Kause, is hosted by the Duke University Department of Philosophy. Its members meet once a month during the semester to welcome and learn from researchers who share their work on causation and causal inference. |
History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and MedicineDuke offers a graduate certificate in History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine, open to Duke graduate students. |
Imagination and Modal Cognition LabUsing a number of behavioral and neuroimaging techniques, the Imagination and Modal Cognition Lab explores ways in which philosophy and cognitive neuroscience interface. |
MAD LABThe Moral Attitudes and Decision-Making Lab (MADLAB) at the Kenan Institute for Ethics explores why and how people think and behave through the lenses of psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and sociology. |
Project VoxWith 47,000+ unique visitors from 179 countries around the world, Project Vox has become a leading source for information about women in early modern philosophy. |
Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and PhilosophyAnnual summer seminars where 10 fellows from neuroscience will study contemporary philosophy, and 10 fellows from philosophy will learn about recent developments in neuroscience, including both theories and methods in both disciplines. |