Ásta Professor of Philosophy Feminist Philosophy, Social Ontology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language asta.asta@duke.edu Personal homepage
Katherine A. Brading Chair Professor of Philosophy Physics, History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Neglected Voices, Causation katherine.brading@duke.edu My Website
Felipe De Brigard Associate Professor of Philosophy Mind, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, Philosophy of Science, Causation felipe.debrigard@duke.edu IMC Lab
Benjamin Edgar Eva Associate Professor of Philosophy Epistemology, Decision Theory, Philosophy of Science, Causation, Logic benjamin.eva@duke.edu
Jennifer Hawkins Associate Research Professor of Philosophy Ethics, Social Philosophy, Disability, Moral Psychology jen.hawkins@duke.edu Curriculum Vitae
Kevin Douglas Hoover Professor of Economics Economics, Causation, Philosophy of Science kd.hoover@duke.edu Personal Website
Andrew Janiak Director of Undergraduate Studies Professor of Philosophy History of Philosophy, Neglected Voices, Feminist Philosophy, Kant, Philosophy of Science janiak@duke.edu What is Project Vox?
Jennifer S. Jhun Assistant Professor of Philosophy Economics, Causation, Modeling, Philosophy of Science jennifer.jhun@duke.edu
Wenjin Liu Assistant Professor of Philosophy Ancient Philosophy, Asian and Comparative Philosophy, Ethics wenjin.liu@duke.edu
Wayne John Norman Mike and Ruth Mackowski Distinguished Professor of Ethics in Trinity College of Arts and Sciences Ethics, Political Philosophy wayne.norman@duke.edu
Kevin A Richardson Assistant Professor of Philosophy Social Ontology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, Logic kevin.richardson@duke.edu Personal Website
Alexander Rosenberg R. Taylor Cole Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Biology, Economics, Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics alexrose@duke.edu Alex Rosenberg's home page
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong Chauncey Stillman Distinguished Professor of Practical Ethics Ethics, Moral Psychology, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, Decision Theory, Philosophy of Law walter.sinnott-armstrong@duke.edu Duke Website
Gopal Sreenivasan Crown University Distinguished Professor in Ethics Ethics, Moral Psychology, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law gopal.sreenivasan@duke.edu http://gopalsreenivasan.com
Reuben E Stern Assistant Professor of Philosophy Epistemology, Decision Theory, Philosophy of Science, Causation, Philosophy of Action reuben.stern@duke.edu
David B. Wong Director of Graduate Studies Susan Fox Beischer and George D. Beischer Trinity College Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Asian and Comparative Philosophy, Ethics, Moral Psychology d.wong@duke.edu