Ásta Professor of Philosophy Feminist Philosophy, Social Ontology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language asta.asta@duke.edu Personal homepage
Katherine A. Brading Professor of Philosophy Physics, History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Neglected Voices, Causation katherine.brading@duke.edu My Website
Jennifer Hawkins Associate Research Professor of Philosophy Ethics, Social Philosophy, Disability, Moral Psychology jen.hawkins@duke.edu Curriculum Vitae
Andrew Janiak Professor of Philosophy History of Philosophy, Neglected Voices, Feminist Philosophy, Kant, Philosophy of Science janiak@duke.edu What is Project Vox?
Wenjin Liu Assistant Professor of Philosophy Ancient Philosophy, Asian and Comparative Philosophy, Ethics wenjin.liu@duke.edu
Kevin A Richardson Assistant Professor of Philosophy Social Ontology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, Logic kevin.richardson@duke.edu Personal Website
David B. Wong Susan Fox Beischer and George D. Beischer Trinity College Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Asian and Comparative Philosophy, Ethics, Moral Psychology d.wong@duke.edu