Being me in times of change: Young children's reflections on their lives during the COVID-19 pandemic
Carpenter, E; Siegel, A; Urquiola, S; Liu, J; Kushnir, T
Research from the perspective of parents, educators and mental health professionals has documented the negative impacts of pandemic isolation on children, but few studies have sought children's own perspectives on this difficult year. The current study aims to provide a first-person perspective on children's psychological health by asking children directly about their experiences of isolating at home. We interviewed 28 seven- to eleven-year-olds in early days of lockdowns with follow-ups 6 months later. Children answered questions about family, school, friendships and feelings about the changes in their lives during lockdown. Children's reflections showed resilience, adaptability, positive appraisals and an ability to maintain meaningful social connections. This data underscores the value of including children's narratives to better understand the pandemic's lasting effects on their lives.