
The first round of University-Wide Collaboration Grants on Climate Change will fund eight Duke University faculty teams to lay the groundwork for new research on climate change and its impacts. The teams will investigate topics including planetary engineering, climate justice, low-carbon heating and cooling methods, lithium mining, agricultural histories, coastal resilience, and the impacts of extreme weather on forest ecosystems. One of the project teams – "Planetary Engineering, Planetary Ethics" – includes… read more about Eight Faculty Teams Awarded University-Wide Collaboration Grants on Climate Change »

One important academic lesson of the pandemic was that despite COVID restrictions, many Duke undergraduate students continued to conduct valuable research in collaboration with faculty members. This week, that research was showcased when three juniors were named Faculty Scholars, the university’s highest honor for students presented by faculty. The awards went to Patrick Duan, for research studying historical dynamics of racial and ethnic minorities; Jenny (Yijian) Huang, for developing new statistical methodology for… read more about Three Juniors Selected as Faculty Scholars for Excellence in Research »

A new program for Duke sophomores – which launched earlier this year – will include two Philosophy courses this fall: “The Good Life: Religion, Philosophy, and Life’s Ultimate Concerns” (PHIL 214) and “Science and Society” (PHIL 280S). The two courses are part of the new “Transformative Ideas” program that is designed to promote open and civil cross-disciplinary dialogue on questions and big ideas that change lives, link cultures and shape societies around the world. “The Good Life” – taught by instructors from Philosophy… read more about Philosophy Courses Among Fall “Transformative Ideas” Offerings »

From China to modern Palestine, from Renaissance Europe to Reagan’s America of the 1980s, new books by Duke faculty will take you on a fascinating journey through time and space. We present a selection of books published in late 2021. Many of the books, including new editions of previous titles, can be found on the “Duke Authors” display shelves near the circulation desk in Perkins Library. Some are available as e-books for quick download. Most can also be purchased through the Gothic Bookshop. [Duke Today will… read more about Dance, Spirituality and Black Art: Books by Duke Authors Warm This Winter  »

Qiu Lin won the award for “Wang Daiyu 王岱舆 (1570-1660) on the Non-Ultimate ( wuji ⽆极) and the Great-Ultimate ( taiji 太极): an Islamic Makeover”. Here is an abstract of the paper: Scholars have written much about the Catholic missionary Matteo Ricci (1552–1610) and his attempts to make Christianity and Confucianism palatable to each other. Yet, although Muslim communities have a long-established presence in China, we know little about the philosophical system that blended Islam and Confucianism in the heart-minds of… read more about Duke Philosophy Ph.D Candidate, Qiu Lin, wins 2021 Aristotle Prize »

A new program for Duke sophomores – which launches in Spring 2022 – will include a Philosophy course focused on happiness, success and our beliefs. “The Good Life: Religion, Philosophy, and Life’s Ultimate Concerns” (PHIL 214) is part of the new “Transformative Ideas” program that is designed to promote open and civil cross-disciplinary dialogue on questions and big ideas that change lives, link cultures and shape societies around the world. “The Good Life” – taught by instructors from Philosophy, Religious Studies, Duke… read more about Philosophy Course Among New "Transformative Ideas" Offerings »

Via, "Felipe De Brigard, associate professor of philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience at Duke University, and leader of the Imagination and Modal Cognition Lab, has been awarded a grant of $988,602 for his project, “Forgetting and Forgiving: Exploring the Connections between Memory and Forgiveness.” The grant is from the John Templeton Foundation. The project takes philosophical and empirical approaches to conceptual and psychological questions related to forgiveness, emotions, and memory,… read more about Duke University Associate Professor of Philosophy, Psychology and Neuroscience, Felipe De Brigard, awarded $988,602 grant for his project "Forgetting and Forgiving: Exploring the Connections Between Memory and Forgiveness" »

When he was an undergraduate political science student, Kerry Haynie was never taught about the 1921 Tulsa massacre. Nor was there much discussion about the role of race in the founding political documents of this country or much examination of how race influenced public services such as sewer lines and zoning. In one sense, a lot has changed. In 2021, Duke’s faculty includes a strong lineup of leading scholars who examine how race is embedded in issues that cross all the schools of the university. This fall, many of… read more about University Course Raises Race as a Central Element of Undergraduate Education »

A new Trinity College of Arts & Sciences program offering peer mentoring to Ph.D. students in their first, second or third year at Duke will begin hosting meetings this fall, and has selected the inaugural class of fellows to lead those groups. Designed as small, interdisciplinary mentoring groups each facilitated by a peer fellow, the program aims to help students flourish in their respective doctoral programs – providing a confidential space to navigate frustrations, offering a diversity of perspectives, encouraging… read more about Trinity Launches Peer Mentoring Program for Early-Stage PhD Students »

Starting July 1st, Kevin Richardson will join the Duke Philosophy Department as an Assistant Professor of Philosophy. Kevin received his PhD in Philosophy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Prior to joining Duke, Kevin worked at North Carolina State University as an Assistant Professor in the Philosophy and Religious Studies Department. He specializes in Metaphysics and the philosophy of language. His current research concerns the nature of the social world, in which he focuses on two broad… read more about The Department of Philosophy welcomes Kevin Richardson as a new faculty member on July 1st »