Paul Hutchison, MD, MA, HEC-C, B.A. 2003

Loyola University Medical Center – Maywood, IL

2003 Major: Philosophy and Biology

How has being a Philosophy graduate from Duke helped shape you personally and/or professionally?

"My entire career trajectory has been shaped by my experience in Duke's philosophy department. Beginning with the skills I acquired in introduction to logic and extending to my discovery of bioethics, I cannot overstate the effect the department had on my professional development. As a result of my coursework and the mentorship of Duke's faculty, I met world-renowned bioethicists, gained the foundation necessary to pursue graduate training in philosophy, and was selected for competitive residency and fellowship positions. As a pulmonary and critical care physician and director of clinical ethics, I use my philosophy degree every single day, taking care of patients in an intensive care unit and helping colleagues resolve challenging ethical questions at the bedside."

What advice would you give students in Duke's Philosophy programs? 

"I'll pass along insight I received while meeting with an NIH bioethicist during an undergraduate philosophy course at Duke: Philosophy is a discipline that teaches thought processes and problem-solving skills. Take the time to understand the basics of philosophy rather than jumping to its application. Your career is a long road; you'll have plenty of time to apply philosophy. This is the time to master its foundation."

Paul Hutchison, MD, MA, HEC-C